Columbus - 皮革去霉清潔布 - 10枚入り | 日本進口
Columbus - 皮革去霉清潔布 - 10枚入り | 日本進口
適用於 光滑皮革的手袋、鞋和衣服
1. 請打開表面的蓋子,一張一張取出使用。
2. 請擦拭皮革表面的黴菌和污垢。如果面積較大,請更換擦拭面並繼續擦拭。(擦拭過黴菌的布請裝入塑膠袋後丟棄)
3. 置於通風良好的地方曬乾後,再使用適合該材質的皮革護理霜進行保養。
4. 使用後務必確實蓋好蓋子,以防止乾燥。
◆ 有些材質容易產生污漬或褪色,請先在不顯眼的部位測試後再使用。
◆ 使用後如手部出現腫脹、搔癢等異常情況,請以水徹底沖洗,並諮詢專業醫師。
◆ 注意包裝邊緣可能會割傷手指。
◆ 本產品不溶於水,請勿沖入馬桶。※請定期保養,注意除濕及通風等保管方法。
◆ 保管環境不同,布單可能會出現淡黃色變色,但不影響品質。
◆ 請避免高溫及直射陽光,並放置在孩童無法觸及的地方。
1. 3-in-1: Cleaning, conditioning, and polishing in one step, providing comprehensive antibacterial and anti-mold protection.
2. Safe plant-based oils: Apply a suitable amount of essence onto a cloth and gently spread it evenly on the leather.
3. Contains beeswax: Maintains the leather's natural suppleness while giving it a subtle and natural shine.
1. Use a soft horsehair shoe brush to remove dust from the surface of the leather.
2. Shake the essence bottle well.
3. Open the bottle and apply a suitable amount of the moisturizing essence onto a soft cloth. Gently spread it evenly on the leather for cleaning, conditioning, and polishing.
4. Allow it to sit for approximately 5 minutes, then use a soft cloth to dry and buff the bag.
5. Apply a waterproof spray evenly to protect the bag.
Country of Origin: Japan
Specifications: 100ml
Expiration: 5 years
1. Some types of leather may be prone to spotting or fading. Perform a patch test in an inconspicuous area before use.
2. Natural ingredients in the product may cause slight discoloration, which is not a quality issue.
3. After use, make sure to tightly close the bottle.
4. Do not consume the product. In case of accidental ingestion, immediately drink water or seek medical attention.
5. Do not use on suede, nubuck, unfinished natural leather, exotic leathers, or fabric.
6. Store in a cool, dry place away from high temperatures and direct sunlight.

We offer Customization on the tailor-made size of an inner bag/bag organizer, which will perfectly fits your requirements.

Korean Imported Felt
We used the finest felt imported from Seoul which is a human-friendly materials

100% Handcrated
Fascinee collaborates with local seamstress to manufacture all the bag organizer in our Hong Kong atelier